registering Imei for visitors to Kazakhstan
registering Imei for visitors to Kazakhstan

Rules for registering Imei for visitors to Kazakhstan

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Simcard.ID – Rules for registering Imei for visitors to Kazakhstan. Until now, several other countries have made it compulsory to register IMEIs for people visiting their countries. Some countries have begun to do this to anticipate the circulation of illegal cell phones into or out of their countries.

Particularly in the country of Kazakhstan, this regulation began to be made in 2018. They began to implement all regulations starting in early 2019. This regulation applies to all cellphones or devices that use a sim card from Kazakhstan. This rule applies to all visitors, but does not apply to devices running m2m or foreign devices using roaming networks in that country.

Rules for registering Imei for visitors to Kazakhstan

registering Imei for visitors to Kazakhstan
registering Imei for visitors to Kazakhstan

How to register IMEI for Kazakhstan visitors

And of course when registering IMEI from the device you have to bring the national ID number that you have and you also have to report the number from the passport you have. You can register for this when purchasing a sim card in that country.

You have to do this the first time your cellphone is connected to the sim card from Kazakhstan, and it has also been linked to your national ID number and linked to the country’s database. After you register your cellphone IMEI, you can only use a sim card that comes from that country.

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Imei registration requirements for visitors to Kazakhstan

If you have registered your cellphone IMEI, and will use a sim card with the same brand. You don’t need to register again. However, if you return to visit that country and want to change the brand of the sim card you are going to use, you must report it to the operator’s shop, and disconnect imei cellphones with their sim card. After doing that, you can only use a sim card with another brand.

So, you should not always replace your device when you visit this country, because you will be a little troublesome when you have to visit that country again. Or you can use a special cellphone when visiting Kazakhstan, and reuse the cellphone when you return to visit. Thus the article which contains information about Rules for registering Imei for visitors to Kazakhstan, hope it can help you.